Daily Dog has gained a new face: the artistic one! The project, in partnership with Brazilian artists, seeks to promote graphic art within the national PET scenario.
The Daily Dog with B.ART seal will be an exclusive product and will be sold under royalty agreements established between Bartô, our clients and professionals yet to
be chosen.
Get to know the artists and their work below and choose which one will make a unique print of your store.

Artist for 15 years, ‘’I started in graffiti and then moved on to illustration. Today I mix everything up! The style I have today is about everything I've learned and studied’’.
Mirla lives and works in São Paulo. With a multidisciplinary background in science, visual and martial arts, since 1998 she has participated in national and international exhibitions. She has also offered and organized workshops and lectures. In 2010 she was nominated for the Prince Claus Award for her work in the field of Art Jewelery.
Since 2004 she works on a plurality of design types (graphic, product, surface, illustration, websites) on personal, as well as on client oriented projects.

Being born/alive for a while can be an advantage. As Quintana said, "I am all my ages." So, I can have a different age each day: one day I'm 20, the other 16, 35 and usually at night I am ... never mind. Depending on the day, tiredness catches me, but the other day I wake up with 12. In childhood I was Batman and even National Kid (who was this guy?). I wanted to be a soccer player, then an architect, then a doctor, a singer... but I thought it would be better to study Advertising. Psychology came next and, later still, Philosophy. I was a human resources analyst, worked in marketing, education and always found a way to make art: drawing, painting, acting or writing. With three published books, I am currently dedicated to teach literature, philosophy and sociology classes for high school. Deep down, I still dream of being Batman.
Born in São Paulo and raised in the neighborhood of Pirituba. For 15 years he is in the graffiti scene, developing his own style as a cultural expression, with focus in the segment of letters, abstract art and characters. Currently starting his career as a tattoo artist.

I started my artistic career in São Paulo, painting murals around the city and doing art and graffiti workshops. I understood that art and life can walk together and be part of the same reality. Today I live in Barcelona, where I have just specialized in Illustration. Here I work in my studio in different formats and techniques, always thinking that each project asks me to explore possibilities and define the right direction to take.
That's why my work has so many different styles and techniques. Today the materials I use most are watercolors, acrylics, sprays and bonding. I intend to speak with people through my art and communicate a feeling, a story, an atmosphere, a protest.
I believe we have the power to influence, inspire and awaken through art and I believe this is my path.