Text Tutorials

Daily Dog is recommended for a small or medium-sized dog up to 55lb, or for two dogs up to 26,5lb kg each. For dogs of medium or large size, the best option is the Daily Dog Plus+, for dogs from 44lb up to 77lb, two dogs up to 26.5lb each or three up to 17.6lb.
In either case, we indicate the use of at least two Daily Dogs to make the necessary replacement: while one washes and dries, the other is used. The most recommended is the use of 3 units for a more dynamic rotation. With 3 products, the durability of the system is on average one year.
Remember: the number of dogs that use the product, their size, and the routine influence how long the product lasts and how many are needed.
The product can last up to 210 washes, with estimated time of 6 months to 1 year. The appearance is also an indication of the exchange: little absorption, rips and leaks.
The durability depends of how many dogs urinate on Daily Dog and how many products you are using in the relay between them: more products, the longer they will last; more dogs urinating in the same product, less duration time. Follow step-by-step washing is also important to avoid shortening Daily Dog life.
For your dog to adapt to use Daily Dog, it is recommended 2 techniques:
Collect the urine of the animal with a cloth and transfer it to the Daily Dog, making your friend realize that there is the new place to make needs.
If your Pet uses conventional newspaper, position the sheets on top of Daily Dog and gradually reduce them. Remove permanently when the dog realizes that it is there the place to urinate.
The adaptation usually varies from animal to animal, being often immediate and, in some cases, taking up to 1 month.
1 . Check the appropriate place for the Daily Dog
Before any step, choose the perfect place to attach the Daily Dog. Wall Tags are indicated for smooth surfaces - tiles and the like - while floor tiles are ideal for surfaces of various materials, preferably smooth. Also take into consideration where your dog is accustomed to urinate and where you would like to set up the product in order to preserve the hygiene in your home.
2. Clean the place where you will place the tags.
This step is important to ensure the functioning of the adhesive film, which may not be effective in coming into contact with fluids and dirt.
3. Measure the spot and apply
To fixed the Wall Tags, measure a distance of 15cm from the floor with the buttons down. Stick them in L format. Floor tags are sticked normally. After inserting, unbutton the Daily Dog and wait 15 minutes before buttoning it again.
If the tags are bought separately, apply them inserted in the Daily Dog so you do not miss the distance between them. Then follow the instructions of how to stick the tags.
All done!
Your product is fixed, now you can unbotton the Daily Dog when you need to wash and botton up when it is clean and dry. Remember: do not remove the tags to put elsewhere, the glue may lose the fastening ability. If you choose to change the location of your Daily Dog, buy the Adhesive Tags separately